Flexible quantities and the ability to use pre-prepared, canned, and frozen ingredients make this flavorful, veggie-filled meal go together quickly and...
This is my version of the delicious potatoes we get at one of our local restaurants. I do like these crunchy skins! This is traditional with meat loaf...
A very healthy alternative to meatballs. I'm always looking for yummy vegan food and I'm especially looking forward to trying this one. Many of my favorite...
This recipe came about, because pumpkin pie is are sons favorite and he can not have any dairy. I have served it for Thanksgiving get togethers and everyone...
If you want popcorn that tastes like it's from your local movie theater, make it this way! I like to make this in a wok, so there's plenty of room for...
Smooth and creamy chocolate mousse made vegan by using silken tofu as the base. I like to think that since the tofu has protein it makes this even a bit...
Some of the most delicious crackers around, I eat these even though I have no problem with gluten! But as they're also pretty pricey, I found this recipe...
So much cheaper than store bought. A delicately flavored oil usually used to infuse flavor on already cooked food. There are quite a few recipes on Zaar...
This simple vegan salad is enhanced by the slightly spicy wasabi dressing. Instead of kohlrabi, you can also use large white radish or daikon radish. For...
Delicious marinade that would be great on chicken as well as fish. Full of fresh herb and citrus flavours. I usually use Flake fillets bbqed for a minute...
This makes an awesome vegan pizza! The kids love it. I found this dough recipe online (Mitch Mandell with fabulousfoods.com) and it is so delicious and...
I don't know where this recipe came from, but I do know that it's really easy and tasty! Prep time includes marinating time. Cooking time varies depending...
Useful when a vanilla flavor is desired but liquid flavoring can not be used or is not desireable. The powder is off-white and has the consistency of confectioner's...
THE BEST!!! It's won just about every award ever since 1983... A seasoning for all salads, sauces, blackened dishes, chili, spaghetti, bullshots, bloody...
This pizza remains dairy-free until it hits the table, where you can decide to add Parmesan--or not. Not "fishy" tasting, plus the clams were delicious...
This was the way my father prepared steaks from the time I was little. Now, I have followed in his footsteps. I never order steak when I go out to eat,...
I found this recipe on a cooking blog that I frequently read, and it's so good. This dish is so easy because everything is prepared in one skillet, on...
This is a pretty recipe. The pomegranate is a beautiful tropical fruit with seeds that are crunchy and help give texture to the whole salad experience....
Some weeks ago Chia helped me with suggestions of how to make smaller sized kugels. And lo and behold, while browsing on the net I found this recipe. Tweaked...
Ahhhh...Golden, crispy brown skins and soft, flaky, tasty potato-goodness inside. You can take this recipe and top it with your favorite choices of sour...
Easy recipe that goes well with Turkey. You can use 2 tablespoons of sage instead of rosemary. (Dressing may be made 1 day ahead and chilled, covered....
If you make your own bread, then you will love this easy, versatile recipe. Cook time is for baking the bread and adding the liquids. The bread can be...
I like to use this when I reach for salt, So I lower my intake of salt and kick up the flavor of what I cook. I used home grown herbs that I dried whole....
This is a Tuna Rice Salad that I like on a bed of shredded lettuce or lettuce leaves for a warm summer lunch or dinner. I have also used it for a side...
I was cleaning out my chest freezer when I realized I had saved two ham bones. They were all wrapped up just waiting to be used. I usually cook a ham and...
I can't wait to try this unique recipe. What could be better than salmon and peaches together? This is from Peach Perfect (Low Fat Recipes) by Sherri Eldridge....
I love coleslaw and have not had it in years, since I can't have dairy. I just made it with fat free nayonnaise (and only 10 calories per Tbsp), and it...
This marinade should be a little sour followed by a slow burn in your mouth. It goes perfect with Tilapia and Ahi Tuna. Due to the amount of Oregano in...
Ok so this recipe is from Bette Hagman's Gluten Free Gourmet. It was so easy and yummy I had to share it with the rest of you. I made this into Ravioli...
This bread dip is like Carrabba's. As for the recipe, just think of it as a teaspoon of every spice in your pantry, plus fresh garlic. Best with a loaf...
Planked Salmon is a method of cooking/smoking salmon that has been used for hundreds of years by the First Nations Peoples. Prepared with natural red cedar,...